Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness in Pediatrics: A Literature Review

Pediatric ICU- Acquired weakness


  • Amal Abu Libdeh Department of Pediatrics, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
  • Hashem Alhanaktah Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Amman, Jordan
  • Eyad Al Masoud Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan
  • Anas Zayad Faculty of Medicine, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Ahmad Al-Loubani Department of Anesthesia, Al-Bashir Hospital, Amman, Jordan



Critical illness, children, weakness, myopathy, polyneuropathy, pediatric, Pediatric Critical Care, Intensive Care Unit


Pediatric patients admitted to the intensive care unit may develop a form of muscle weakness termed Intensive Care Unit Acquired Weakness (ICU-AW), which remains relatively challenging to diagnose and manage. This condition may not be as frequent in pediatrics compared to adults, yet it represents a debilitating complication among pediatric ICU patients with notable short and long-term consequences. Diagnosis relies on history and physical exam, aided by electrophysiological studies and muscle biopsies. Serial muscle ultrasound is emerging as a reliable method for early detection of muscle wasting.  Preventive measures include modifying risk factors and delaying parenteral nutrition. While no definitive treatment has been identified, early mobilization, and limiting the use of sedatives may influence the outcome of this condition in pediatrics.  More data is needed to assess the incidence and prognosis of pediatric ICU-AW. 


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How to Cite

Abu Libdeh, A., Alhanaktah, H., Al Masoud, E., Zayad, A., & Al-Loubani, A. (2024). Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness in Pediatrics: A Literature Review: Pediatric ICU- Acquired weakness. JAP Academy Journal, 2(1).

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