Unveiling the Silent Threat: An Exploration of Fungal Infections in Critical Care Environments


  • Mohammed Ahmed Department of medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
  • Sohail Batarseh Faculty of Medicine/ Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST)
  • Saja Al Zghoul Department of medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology
  • Adel Algoussous Intensive care department, Albashir Hospital, MOH, Amman, Jordan
  • Ayoub Innabi Pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine, Trinity Health Oakland


critical care, Intensive Care Unit, risk factors



Fungal infections are increasingly becoming a significant concern for patients in critical condition, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs), where mortality rates often surpass those associated with bacterial infections. Patients in ICUs, frequently immunocompromised and burdened with multiple comorbidities, face heightened susceptibility to fungal pathogens. This vulnerability is compounded by prolonged hospital stays, extensive use of antibiotics, and occurrences of multiorgan system failure.

This study aims to comprehensively explore fungal infections within the critical care setting, focusing on Aspergillus, Candida, and Mucormycosis. It investigates various risk factors contributing to the development of fungal infections, ranging from immunosuppression to exposures related to healthcare settings. Diagnostic methods, including both traditional culture-based techniques and modern molecular assays, are evaluated alongside emerging prognostic indicators.

Given the ongoing advancements in antifungal treatments, timely and accurate diagnosis emerges as critical for improving patient outcomes in ICU settings. This study endeavors to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively manage fungal infections in critical care environments, ultimately enhancing patient care quality and survival rates.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, M., Batarseh, S., Al Zghoul, S., Algoussous, A., & Innabi, A. (2024). Unveiling the Silent Threat: An Exploration of Fungal Infections in Critical Care Environments. JAP Academy Journal. Retrieved from https://journal.japacademy.org/index.php/Home/article/view/169



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